شیمی پزشکی قانونی – بدون پایان نامه / دانشگاه اسکودار
شهر محل تحصیل : استانبول / مقطع تحصیلی : فوق لیسانس / مدت تحصیل : 2 سال / زبان آموزشی : ترکی / نوع آموزش : تمام وقت ، حضوری / شهریه: 2.900 دلار / شهریه با تخفیف : 2.700 دلار
In this scientific discipline; contemporary analytical techniques and instrumentation, as well as natural and synthetic drugs, paint, glass, earth, metal, minerals, explosive residue, fire increase etc. collecting, analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, reporting chemical evidence and to train experts equipped with defense knowledge and skills in cross-examination are aimed. Within these activities, which are important for finding the place of justice, there are lectures on working in accordance with human rights and ethical values and not sacrificing from the quality.
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