رادیو تلویزیون و سینما / دانشگاه آیوان سارای استانبول
شهر محل تحصیل : استانبول / مقطع تحصیلی : لیسانس / مدت تحصیل : 4 سال / زبان آموزشی : ترکی / نوع آموزش : تمام وقت ، حضوری / شهریه: 4.500 دلار / شهریه با تخفیف : 2.500 دلار
Radio, Television and Cinema department a discipline that attracts attention due to changing communication technologies and its power to affect society. In order for students studying in the field of Radio, Television and Cinema to become successful media professionals, it is of great importance to learn the theoretical approaches about mass media and to create a general culture about the field, as well as to create environments where they can put their acquired knowledge into practice.
For this reason, in the Radio, Television and Cinema department, it is aimed to raise graduates who prioritize creativity and can grasp social, political, and economic events that can express themselves freely.
Students will be equipped to find jobs in various fields of the Radio, Television and Cinema sector with the theoretical and practical courses they take.