Cartoon and Animation / Beykoz University
Университет Бейкоз / Мульфильмы и анимация / Степень: бакалавр / Продолжительность: 4 года / Язык обучения: турецкий / Форма обучения: Полная академическая нагрузка, очная / Стоимость обучения: 3.000 долларов США / льготный сбор: 2.400 долларов США
With the increasing importance of digital platforms today, the concept of animation has reached different dimensions and opportunities for producing different types of animation content have emerged.
The main purpose of the Cartoon and Animation Department of the Beykoz University, Faculty of Art and Design is to create an interdisciplinary learning environment in interaction with other departments that can be associated with the field; Digital Game Design, Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design, Radio, Television and Cinema and Advertising.
Cartoon and Animation programme appeals to the visual and auditory senses, can offer many different techniques and interdisciplinary environments, combines these created environments and carries different traces from each of the art branches.
The Cartoon and Animation Degree Programme Graduates; will have knowledge, skills and abilities in two or three dimensional films.
Graduates will have competencies in working with cartoon and animation applications and be able to create new and original products in their related fields; such as architectural visualization, digital games, medical presentations, preparing advertisement content, and producing content for cinema films.