الکتروونوفیزیولوژی / دانشگاه آیوان سارای استانبول
شهر محل تحصیل : استانبول / مقطع تحصیلی : فوق دیپلم / مدت تحصیل : 2 سال / زبان آموزشی : ترکی / نوع آموزش : تمام وقت ، حضوری / شهریه: 2.000 دلار / شهریه با تخفیف : 1.500 دلار
The aim of the Electroneurophysiology Program is to train electroneurophysiology technicians that adopt human health and professional ethics, equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills, have the ability to use their electro neurophysiological devices in their areas, who capable of analytic thinking and problem solving, and can adapt to scientific developments in theory and practice, and give importance to human health and ethical values. People interested in the study should use neurophysiological methods used in the diagnosis of diseases with central nervous system disorders.
The professional staff makes various electro neurophysiological applications in accordance with the instructions of the physician.
They monitor the patient during the procedure and inform the physician about any unusual conditions and complications they observe about the patient’s condition, prepare the necessary devices, electrodes, materials and drugs for processes and emergencies. They calibrate the devices before the operation, check the media’s suitability for operations. At the end of the process, they ensure the cleaning and maintenance of the devices and materials used and maintains them properly.
They need to know about professional ethical principles and legal limits and applies them diligently.