سینما و تلویزیون / دانشگاه کولتور استانبول
شهر محل تحصیل : استانبول / مقطع تحصیلی : لیسانس / مدت تحصیل : 4 سال / زبان آموزشی : ترکی / نوع آموزش : تمام وقت ، حضوری / شهریه: 5.000 دلار / شهریه با تخفیف : 4.250 دلار
The aim of the department of Film and Television is to provide the basic principles of the theory and aesthetics of film; to provide information on the latest technological developments and allow for their practice; to create an environment where students can experiment with their artistry and develop their artistic point of views. In this context, keeping in mind that art is a universal concept, we work together with international festivals and projects to provide a more global experience for students.
The department of Film and Television is conscious of the constant changes, developments and shifts affecting culture and technology and aims to provide this understanding to its students, with the hope that one day the knowledge they have accumulated during their undergraduate education will allow for them to be the ones directing these changes in the future.