Технология Зубного Протезирования / Университет Фенербахче

Местоположение: Стамбул / Уровень: Колледж / Период: 2 года / Язык Обучения: Турецкий / Тип Обучения: Полный День, Формальный / Плата за обучения: 3.000 USD / Плата Со Скидкой: 2.000 USD
Dental Prosthetics is artificially made devices resembling natural teeth which are used to replace missing or damaged teeth and Dental Prosthetics Technicians are healthcare professionals that assist dentists during every stage of making dental and jaw prosthetics. A dental prosthetist’s clinical role is focused on diagnostic, preventive and fabrication duties, in relation to removable dentures, to provide a complete dental prosthetic service for the replacement and protection of natural teeth. The Dental Prosthetics Technology Programme at Fenerbahçe University aims to educate qualified dental technicians equipped with theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills. The programme is designed to equip the students with the knowledge, skills, behaviours, attitudes, values and judgements that will enable them to work as an integral part of the dental team in providing quality fixed and removable dental prosthesis. Graduates of Dental Prosthetics Technology Programme can work as dental technicians at universities, public and private institutions and organizations, independent dental laboratories, dental schools and dental manufacturing companies. The Dental Prosthetics Technology Associate Degree Programme Graduates; will have knowledge of dental materials, oral anatomy, occlusion and issues in dental laboratory technology and infectious diseases. The graduates will have the knowledge and skill to fabricate dental prosthetics such as dentures, bridges and crowns. The graduates will be able to create and repair partial and full-set dentures, shape and polish ceramic dental implants and make both removable and fixed orthodontic appliances. They will have the skills to work with dental appliances. They will be knowledgeable in bridge construction, impression materials, overdentures, dental crowns, orthodontic appliances, casting and dental ceramics.
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