Радиотерапия / Университет Фенербахче

Местоположение: Стамбул / Уровень: Колледж / Период: 2 года / Язык Обучения: Турецкий / Тип Обучения: Полный День, Формальный / Плата за обучения: 3.000 USD / Discounted Fee: 2.000 USD 
Radiotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumours. A radiation therapist is a member of a cancer management team who is responsible for administering radiotherapy treatments. The Radiotherapy Programme at Fenerbahçe University is designed in accordance with the current technological developments, globalization and ever increasing competitive environment, and combines classroom work with clinical experience to provide students with the training necessary for entry-level employment in radiation therapy. The Programme aims to raise qualified, competent and effective supporting assistants who can work under the supervision of specialist doctors in the field of radiotherapy. The programme curriculum includes patient care, pathology and treatment principles, radiation physics, radiation biology and safety and ethics. The Radiotherapy Associate Degree Programme Graduates; will have the knowledge and skills in all essential aspects of radiation therapy, radiation safety and patient care. The graduates will have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform common radiation therapy treatment and simulation procedures. They will be knowledgeable in the radiation safety techniques. The graduates will have critical thinking and problem solving skills in treatment delivery and planning and they will have the ability for professional and ethical decision making in the clinical setting. The graduates will have the knowledge for delivering, monitoring and documenting targeted doses of radiation as prescribed to their patients. They will be able to assess the physical and emotional needs of the patients and make the appropriate referrals. The graduates will have effective communication skills in the clinical and didactic settings. They will be clinically competent in the practice of Radiation Therapy.
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