علوم سیاسی و روابط بین الملل / دانشگاه آیوان سارای استانبول
شهر محل تحصیل : استانبول / مقطع تحصیلی : لیسانس / مدت تحصیل : 4 سال / زبان آموزشی : ترکی / نوع آموزش : تمام وقت ، حضوری / شهریه: 4.500 دلار / شهریه با تخفیف : 2.500 دلار
Political Science and International Relations have become an important branch of modern social sciences in Turkey and in the world, interacting closely with their broad interests and practices. Analysis and interpretation of countries’ governance systems and methods, and international policies and developments are the main areas of this science.
Turkey has a feature that dictates the necessity of the course due to its vast and rich history, its intensity in economic, political, military and cultural relations on a regional and global scale. Our distinguished academic staff will provide our students with a solid scientific infrastructure by providing them with contemporary scientific depth that they will benefit during their education and professional life. In addition to the theoretical depth, current developments will be comprehended with a broad perspective and a participatory / interactive understanding in the university environment, by taking advantage of interdisciplinary methods and other opportunities offered by our university.
In our program, it is aimed to develop the skills of our students to learn foreign languages, to use scientific research and analysis techniques and to interpret global developments. It is also among the goals of our program to prepare our students for business life in the best way and to take a supportive and guiding role in cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations in order to solve post-graduation employment problems.